
Yoozpaper.com is a network of online newspapers written by individuals or groups. The Yoozpaper is a collection of the most viewed stories across the entire network of newspapers. This allows people to view the stories that popular, no filler stories!
Yoozpaper.com also allows users to create custom newspapers based on keywords, scrapbooks of uploaded images, and comments on other users’ articles.Yoozpaper.com also allows users to collaborate as groups to write papers or create group scrapbooks. As Yoozpaper.com grows, it will become a vehicle to keeps people globally informed.

The YoozPaper – constantly updating collection of the most popular articles.

Custom Papers – user-created papers based on the most popular articles by specific keywords.

Individual Papers – formatted like an actual newspaper, users add their own, images, and videos. This is the bloodline for Yoozpaper.com.

Scrapbooks – photo albums on Yoozaper.com, with images and captions uploaded by a user. Users can comment on individual articles, as well as view scrapbooks as a slideshow.

Collaborate - users can form groups to create papers and scrapbooks. Anyone in the group can upload images or write papers, and it can all be done in real-time.