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Your Book Is Your Hook! is a full service consulting practice that serves authors, writers and wannabes as well as the entire book publishing and entertainment industries with its endeavors.
Through the popular podcast named after her practice, "Your Book Is Your Hook!", which can be heard on iHeartRadio, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, Apple iTunes, and the C-Suite Network, and the accompanying robust show blog at YourBookIsYourHook.com/blog, Jennifer S. Wilkov brings her experience and knowledge of the book and entertainment businesses and the people in it as well as her understanding of the writer’s experience from conceiving the idea to getting it published and/or produced to loyal listeners.
Ms. Wilkov is a media personality and producer, a multi- #1 best-selling, award-winning author, an award-winning freelance writer, a keynote/TED speaker and emcee, a trainer and the creator of the trademarked “From Thought to Sales In 90 Days” book process who focuses on supporting writers with the essentials to become a bestseller: a great project, a strong platform and a well-polished pitch, presentation and hook for their book, film, tv/episodic series or stage projects.