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Coming up with the right idea at the right time can be a challenge. Even though there are a couple of idea generation and management tools available, they often come with two flaws: firstly, many of them are quite costy and can hardly be afforded by startups and small business owners or even teams with specific tasks within larger corporations have a hard time to get a couple of thousand dollars authorized for idea tools. Secondly, existing idea generation tools don't offer a systematic creativity method integraeted in the app. When it comes to idea generation, creative thinkers are mostly left alone with a simple idea form.
yutongo is different. Thanks to its unique ideation methodology, project owners (or Idea Challenge ownes how they are called on the platform) can split down a creative task in many subquestion with the goal to tickle the task from many perspectives. Participants in the creative process then are asked to enter an ideation parcours where they are guided through all these questions to enter what yutongo calls «idea fragments». This phase is called «Idea Boost» In a second steps, the same participants enter the phase called «Idea Compression» where all idea fragments entered by all participants flash up in a random manner and participants are asked to create smart idea combinations based on what they see. This principle really is what yutongo so unique. It's a true collaborative approach where all participant add their thoughts in one pot and create an idea synthesis based on the ideas of fellow creative thinkers.
Companies or individuals with idea needs can use yutongo together with their colleagues and employees and can invite them participate in Idea Challenges. Or they can accept applications from members of the yutongo user community and are free to offer a small payment (normally between 1 and 5 USD per innovator) to each external participant. Payments to innovators can be done in PayPal and managed on the platform.
It is very easy to setup and manage an Idea Challenge. Idea Challenge owners are guided through the whole setup process and can manage privacy settings of their Idea Challenge if they wish to keep the project secret.
There is a search engine where Idea Challenge owner can search the yutongo community by country, their skills etc. and invite the user who they find interesting to their Challenges. This is also what brings quite something of a social component to the application. Also, Idea Challenge owners can communicate with their innovation teams directly through the yutongo messaging service.
yutongo also offers Idea Challenge owners to create their own yutongo company page that comes with a free customized subdomain (as in yourbusiness.yutongo.com). There, businesses, innovation teams etc. can setup their own page and add a banner and profile picture, a welcome text and some key facts on the business or organization they represent. All their Idea Challenges will collect on this page which can be communiated on the customer's website, social media profiles etc.
The application also offers the opportunity to let the best ideas rated from selected participants against a set of criteria the Idea Challenge owner may define for each Idea Challenge. Also, ideas created can be exported as a pdf or as .csv sheet.
yutongo comes with an attractive free plan that covers the most common needs of idea seekers but, at the same time, offers a range of fair value plans starting from 24$/month which all come with a one month free trial.
yutongo is a great tool that can be very helpful to anyone, teams or individuals, who is in the situation to generate ideas such as naming ideas, prodcut ideas, service ideas, strategy ideas etc. and to feed an idea or innovation pipeline for a corporate, an organization or just a small business or a startup. And of course, yutongo is a great opportunity for creative thinkers worldwide who are interested to earn a couple of dollars just by participating in idea brainstorming that are fun and engaging. You can get started on https://yutongo.com