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This week began on a sacred note as Muslims worldwide welcome the month of Rajab. The dates for the month of Rajab 2022 are from 2nd February till 3rd March. Regarded as one of the four sacred months in Islam, Rajab is highly respected among Muslims worldwide. Islamic teachers suggest people to understand the importance of Rajab in 2022 and perform good deeds for great rewards. As per Islam, there are twelve months created by Allah, of which four are sacred. Battles in these four months are unacceptable. The act of engaging in a fight during these months will be considered blasphemous. The sacred months are made to make peace with all and lead a life on the path shown by Almighty Allah.
Rajab meaning
Rajab is the 7th month as per the Islamic Calendar. Rajab is derived from the Arabic verb Rajab meaning ‘to respect’. The month is also called Al Murajjab, which means ‘magnified and greatly revered’. It has 29 and 30 days depending upon the sighting of the crescent moon. Hence the days in Rajab keep on interchanging between the two with the change in the year. In 2022, Rajab will have 30 days.
Importance of Rajab month
Rajab is regarded as the month of Allah. Therefore, Muslims in the month of Rajab 2022 are suggested to perform good deeds. The month will present an excellent opportunity to seek forgiveness from the merciful Allah. Additionally, Allah commands all the Muslims: ‘Do not wrong yourselves during them.’
It is said that the scale of deeds weighs more than normal during the sacred months. Hence, in the four holy months, any deed, good or bad, will weigh more than it should. Therefore, one is suggested to maintain their faith in Allah and perform good deeds like reading the holy book of the Quran, performing introspection, and doing charity.
Abu Hurairah notes that Prophet Muhammad once told that: “Actions are raised and declared on Mondays and Thursdays, and I would love that my actions would be raised and declared while I am fasting” (Tirmidhi). Hence, fasting on Monday and Thursday can be considered a good deed that will result in rewards from Allah.
Rajab is also known for various important events that happened during the month. It is the month in which the marriage of noble parents of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) took place. The 27th of Rajab is regarded as Isra Miraj – when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ascended to the heavens with Angel Jibril. Further, Rajab is the month in which the holy Prophet was born.
Things to do during the month of Rajab 2022
Maintain peace
As instructed, fighting is prohibited in the four sacred months. It is when one must cease hostilities of any kind, put the weapons down, and make amends with people. The omission of this will be treated as one of the greatest misconducts that can lead to disapproval from Allah, the almighty.
Remain conscious
Rajab offers the best time to ask forgiveness and start with a new life in the name of Allah, the one true God. One can repent for their sins with duas and prayers offered as per Istighfar. People should also introspect where they went wrong and form an intent to never repeat the mistake. No sin is bigger enough not to be forgiven by Allah; one only must bow down to him with a sincere and pure heart.
Charity in Rajab
Though performing charity is highly rewarding and a duty in Islam, giving charity during Rajab fetches greater blessings. People can donate a portion of their wealth, help the needy and poor, give clothes, provide food, and water to the unprivileged and talk to everyone in a polite tone.
Umrah in month of Rajab
People believe that performing Umrah in the month will provide additional benefits and blessings. Though there is no authentic Hadith on performing Umrah in Rajab, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has stated the advantages of doing Umrah in Rajab. In the past, Umar ibn Al Khattab, Ali Ibn Abi Talib and Uthman Ibn Anfaan have performed Umrah during Rajab.
Rajab in 2022 should be utilized in the best way possible with the pure intention of becoming a true disciple of the almighty Allah. Additionally, Rajab will help one purify the heart for the fasting of the holy Ramadan.
read in full detail https://zamzam.com/blog/umrah-in-month-of-rajab/