
ZiteCode offers a fast, friendly and easy way to make a free website and build websites with all the easy to use click-and-drag tools.

ZiteCode has the tools to optimize your site (page by page) for search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing….improving your search engine ranking!

We also help with broadcasting your website through more cool applications, dropping your website in to our ZiteCode directory, broadcasting to friends through Facebook, Twitter with our email blast application, pinging search engines and even submitting a press release!

ZiteCode even has a solution for organizations having a network of sales persons or agents, such as real estate brokers, auto dealerships or insurance companies…Benefit from dozens to hundreds of websites for your team. Since you have complete access and control of your teams’ sites on one screen, you can easily control your Company’s branding requirements and activity. More opportunities to increase traffic, sales, higher employee retention and more profit to the bottom line….

Tutorials and easy to follow tips are with every step…

Our social networking platform allows website owners to communicate openly, follow each other and even exchange links with our revolutionary link exchange system.

Website owners not building their website through ZiteCode can register too, allowing users to view thousands of websites from every industry….

Our ZiteCode directory attracts millions of visitors, providing the exposure websites welcome while increasing traffic to their sites. Websites may be viewed by category, highest rated, most viewed or could be searched through our smart search engine.

Why just build your website, when you NOW have the power to optimize it and broadcast it locally and to the world….

ZiteCode… the most powerful way to build, optimize and broadcast your website!

So, if you want to learn how to make a website and design a website for free, visit http://www.zitecode.com. All the easy to use tools are provided with step by step guidance along the way. We encourage anyone to visit and you will be able to make the best website available.