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Road safety today is inherently dangerous compared to other modes of transport such as air and railway. According to research, about 1.3 million people die each year in road accidents and between 20-50 million are injured. It is estimated that by 2030, road accidents will be the 5th leading cause of death worldwide, which is estimated to be killing more people than HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined. Research also states that most deaths between ages 15- 29 are caused by road accidents in sub-Saharan Africa.
Consequently, humans are the ones who make the difference between hazard and safety; with little keeping us from harm should we make a mistake. Unlike other modes of transport that have procedures and safeguards to limit both the occurrence and impact of human error, road transport relies heavily on its users to keep accidents from occurring.
Given that humans are almost inadvertently prone to make mistakes and commit violations, human behavior is of particular interest for most road safety. This is where the Zusha Campaign comes in.
Zusha road safety is a campaign that was started as a result of the increased number or PSVs accidents in Kenya. According to the research done, most of the accidents are caused by reckless driving. In the previous years, various methods have been put in place to try and cab the high rate of accidents in Kenya. Unfortunately, they have been unsuccessful as they can be tampered with as in the case of speed governors, seat belts e.t.c. Most vehicles that were installed with the gadgets after a few months, the gadgets had been removed making the method unsuccessful.
This year, the Zusha road safety campaign was launched to bring awareness to the passengers that they have the right to slow down a reckless PSV driver using the power of their voice.
We all like to talk about fast driving, but we fail to talk when we should, what needs to be done then? We need to start talking because most are the times when reckless driving ends up into tragedy. Road accidents have become a global problem, over 20 million people are injured or disabled every year. 1.25 million Are killed and the victims are often pedestrians and passengers, they are the people who don’t have a voice, they are the people who have chosen silence over their lives.| There is always a solution to every problem and the solution is to speak up.
If passengers join hands in a Matatu and complain to the reckless driver, he will eventually slow down the car. Whenever a PSV driver fails to be responsible, it is the duty of the passenger to take responsibility and choose to speak up against the behavior. Most are the times when lives are lost, dreams are shuttered and future leaders who are our kids lose lives due to premature death. Yes, it is premature death because it’s something we can stop by speaking up against.
The only way to make Zusha road safety campaign a success is by joining hands and start complaining every time a PSV driver drives recklessly. We may never be in a position to shun down reckless drivers if passengers don’t use the power of their voice to slow down one. Let’s just not speak about reckless driving, let’s speak against it. Speak up and save lives, Zusha!