About |
If you are looking for a friendly NHS dental practice then our 1Smile clinics are perfect for you. We have dental clinics throughout Glasgow which makes it that little bit more convenient for visiting us and offer a wide range of NHS and private dental treatments to suit your needs. Our dental Clinics are Renfield Street Dental Care in Glasgow City Centre, Cadden Dental Clinic in Glasgow West End, Croftfoot Dental Practice in the South East of Glasgow and Sinclair Drive Dental Care in Glasgow South Side.
Renfield Street Dental Care is situated in the city centre of Glasgow and which is central for most people who live in Glasgow. We offer a wide range of dental treatment under the NHS and also privately. We are open 2 late nights throughout the week to make it more convenient for patient who may find it difficult attending during working hours.
Cadden Dental Clinic has been in the west end of Glasgow for around 80 years now and been through many changes. We offer a wide variety of dental treatments including sedation under the NHS and dental implants.
Croftfoot Dental Practice is in the southside of Glasgow (Castlemilk) and has been in the area for many years. The practice was previously owned by Gordon Meek who now joined our team. It has now been changed to a fully computerised practice with digital xrays and a brilliant text messaging and email reminder service.
Sinclair Drive Dental Care was previously known as Muirhead & Muirhead Dental Surgery. It became part of the 1smile Clinics at the beginning of 2013 and has went through substantial changes to make sure we are up to date with the new technology. We offer NHS and private dentistry at Sinclair Drive Dental Care and are currently registering new NHS patients.