
Czech AI ​​Startup Incubator finds clever, innovative and impactful ideas that use artificial intelligence, then prepares them for the global market. Often, these ideas come from students, entrepreneurs or corporate employees who are unable to pursue them due to a lack of funds, time, and/or technological know-how.

AI Startup Incubator is led by Petr Šrámek: visionary, entrepreneur, mentor and artificial intelligence popularizer. He believes science and technology can help people achieve higher, richer levels of existence.

Petr is a co-founder of the Platform on Artificial Intelligence at the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic, a partner of the European Commission. He is a member of Peter Diamandis´s organization Abundance 360, Singularity University, Lifeboat Foundation and a High Commissioner for Czech Republic in the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF).