
Climate Change Resilient Development (CCRD) is a global, four-year project in support of USAID’s Global Climate Change Office. CCRD's climate adaptation-focused programs operate in 33 countries throughout Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America, and the Caribbean. Employing USAID/GCC's strategic “development first" framework, CCRD delivers guidance, technical assistance, and capacity building to 3 Regional Bureaus and 8 Missions for USAID, several national governments, and dozens of local communities around the world to integrate climate change concerns into development policy, planning, and implementation.

CCRD also explores emerging issues in climate adaptation by developing innovative programs, such as the,

* Climate Services Partnership (CSP)
* High Mountains Adaptation Partnership (HiMAP)
* Climate Resilient Infrastructure Services program (CRIS), preparation of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)
* Adaptation Partnership
* 36 Small Grants to research scientists in 19 countries.

CCRD enables USAID Bureaus and Missions to mainstream adaptation into planning; utilize custom-tailored, industry-first tools; provide technical assistance; and build capacity to their respective stakeholders.

In addition, CCRD coordinates with other U.S. Government agencies (including NOAA and the Department of State) to promote innovation in climate adaptation mainstreaming.

CCRD is implemented by Engility/IRG and a consortium of four private contractors (ICF, Stratus Consulting, Cascadia, and Manoff Group), two NGOs (Environmental Law Foundation and The Mountain Institute), and three universities (IRI/Columbia University, University of Texas at Austin, and University of South Carolina).


For further information, please contact Michael E. Cote, Senior Climate Adaptation Specialist at michael.cote@engilitycorp.com