

Care of Creation is an environmental organization formed in 2005 to bring together two important themes: Love for God’s People, and love for God’s world, as we face a rapidly changing global environment.

We are also a missions organization because we believe that environmental problems are sin problems, and the global Church of Jesus Christ is the world’s best hope for dealing with this crisis.

Simply stated, we believe that missions and care for God’s creation belong together.

Our goal is to mobilize the Church to care for creation and to respond to environmental challenges with and through the love of God.

In terms of theology we believe that to be truly evangelical – believing that Jesus Christ has come with ‘good news’ for the human race and for all creation – we have to be concerned about the environment.
In terms of reality – what is really going on in the world right now – we know that millions of people are suffering from this environmental crisis; we simply cannot love people without caring for God’s creation.

We seek to…

Love God by worshiping him in all we do;
Love God’s People by sharing the good news we have in Jesus Christ, and by strengthening and empowering local congregations to join in…
Love God’s World by working with and through his people to care for and heal God’s hurting creation.

We are at work…

...In Kenya through Care of Creation Kenya (CCK) based at the well-known Moffat Bible College near Kijabe, where we are involved in
Tree planting
and “Farming God’s Way”

...In the United States through our Madison, WI. home office, where we offer:
the Our Father’s World weekend seminar for churches
resources and speakers for Missions Conferences
specialized consulting for churches, pastors and mission agencies
Care of Creation, Inc. a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-exempt.