
The Waukesha Choral Union is a non-profit organization that has developed a reputation for excellent choral music performances in SE Wisconsin, dating back to 1949. The WCU will challenge, enrich, and engage its singing members, audiences, and community through the pursuit of excellence and a variety of programming.

Originally a combination of the Carroll College student chorus and community singers known as the Waukesha Choral Society in 1949, the group became the Town and Gown in 1961 and the Waukesha Choral Union in 1974, taking its present form as an auditioned choir in 1978.

Our Artistic Director, Michael Chapel, is the Choir Specialist at Brown Deer Middle/High School, where he directs nine different ensembles including: three middle school choirs, five high school choirs, and hand bells. He is also the musical theatre director, the fine arts event scheduling, and performance facilities coordinator for the School District of Brown Deer.  

Mr. Chapel is currently the Choir Coordinator for the Wisconsin School Music Association (WSMA) Middle Level Honors Project, and is active as an adjudicator for solo/ensemble festivals and honors auditions sponsored by the WSMA. Additionally, he is in his 20th year as the choir director and lead service accompanist at St. Peter’s UCC in Saukville. Mr. Chapel is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Music and a Master’s Degree in Music Education – with an emphasis on choral conducting.

The WCU is an auditioned community choir, and holds auditions every year in the Fall and in the Spring.

Waukesha Choral Union is supported in part by grants from the Arts Alliance of Waukesha County and the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment of the Arts.