
In 1999 Julio Medina founded Exodus Transitional Community, Inc., a grassroots organization built on the notion that individuals released from prison cannot successfully re-enter mainstream society without resources to support their transition. Throughout his own twelve year sentence, Julio constantly witnessed his peers succumb to the desperation of not being able to find employment, reconnect with their families or adapt to a changed society, despite their desire to embrace their freedom and re-create their lives without crime. He never once heard anyone say they could not wait to come back to prison; rather, he heard many say that they wanted to be good fathers and return to heal some of the damage they caused in their impoverished communities.

Today Exodus participants can enjoy a variety of transitional services including the Wilderness Program, job development, anger management and substance abuse, high school equivalency preparation, and much more. We have also expanded our services to youth and young adults through our ARCHES and Genesis programs, specially designed to meet the needs of participants in that particular season of life.

In addition to our many programs and activities, participants can take advantage of services such as on-site SNAP and Medicaid sign-up, free interview and work clothing, daily hot breakfast and lunch, special trainings on topics such as child support compliance and financial literacy, and assistance with transportation once they find employment.