About |
FastFit360® is a web-based tool that speeds up the garment design process by allowing retailers and suppliers to view samples and communicate style and fit changes visually over the Internet. Essentially, a business-to-business Online application for communication.
Inspired by social networking websites, FastFit360.com allows garment information and images, in either photographic or 360° format (using FastFit® studio), to be viewed Online by retailers, brands, agents, suppliers and/or factories from anywhere in the world.
Changes to a garment can be highlighted visually, while a thread of comments attached to the image, helps avoid confusion and reduces the need for email conversations.
The goal is to enable workers in different time zones, who speak different languages, to communicate visually. FastFit360.com, not only slashes the time and cost of shipping garment samples around the world, but also cuts down the number of physical samples that are required.
FastFit360 expedites design, merchandising, product development, technical design and quality control through action orientated collaboration. Automated work flow management ensures total product communication, organization, calendaring, storing and sharing. Global utilization of time zones turn all hours into productive time.
Quick Benefits:
• Global 24/7/365 visibility
• Quick style search capability
• Document portal
• Advanced zoom & annotation functionality
• Reduce shipping costs & travel budgets