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James M. Lowrance began publishing books and eBooks in year 2008 for inclusion on bookseller websites, including Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Kobo. His specialized areas for written works, are health subjects (e.g. diseases, syndromes and the treatments for them) and controversial areas of Christian Theology. He has however, covered other areas of specialty and expertize in his books, including successful invention marketing and licensing -- which comes from his success with patented and trademarked inventions, during the 1990s. His writing experience includes being Editor of Thyroid Health for BellaOnline in 2008 and 2009 and a general health writer for Suite101 in 2009 and 2010 (recipient of 3 Editor's Choice Awards). His book-products include nearly 100 individual titles that are available and he continues to release new written works for his growing catalog.