
In a nutshell Jobuzu (pronounced ‘oo-zoo’) is a vertical search engine for jobs, we search the whole internet to bring you the latest job offers from job boards, company sites, newspapers and agencies all listed in a single search.

The Jobuzu HQ is based in Birmingham! Within the United Kingdom. You don’t get many Silicon Valley start-ups in the West Midlands let’s hope to change that!

Though most of the team works from varies locations around the world which includes India, USA, Ukraine and Serbia.

Our Search Engine Values:

The Job is unique - Job seekers deserve to see unique job listings and to help provide a unique job search experience our Smart Ranking algorithm as well as our quality control team remove job site sources that either offer a 'high' number of duplicates or low quality user experience to users.

Easy Apply - We at Jobuzu hate seeing endless counts of clicks before you get to the 'real' apply button that lets you fill in the application form and/or submit your CV so to counter this problem our Quality control team actively remove sites from our index that contain a high number of redirects to external sites.

Speeeeed! - Searching for a job on Jobuzu should never be time consuming so our design and infrastructure is geared towards performance as we understand that a job seekers time is better spent writing cover letters and preparing for interviews then searching through tons of bogus job listings.

Trust - Our team have developed this job engine to provide the one place people go to for there next job search and to achieve this we guarantee to put our users first so any listings or job sites that breach our strict terms and conditions will be removed from our index.