
Judy Bird has been writing professionally for 17 years. She is the author of a children's book, Domino's Nose Knows, a freelance writer, journalist, communicator and editor.

During her freelance and journalistic career, she has interviewed and written about people from all walks of life including artists, entertainers, war veterans, athletes, political figures, health professionals, scientists, entrepreneurs, and so many more interesting people with a story to share.

Judy's passion for this work has allowed her to combine her love of writing with her love of learning, and enabled her to share, educate and build bridges of understanding. Judy firmly believes that writing is more than repeating facts; it is listening and interpreting what is said. Judy takes her readers to the heart of the discussion, whether it is a topic of the day, or a life experience that touches other lives.

Judy brings this approach to her works fiction also. A story is told to entertain, to be shared, and to enrich lives. Her first children's book, Domino's Nose Knows has received 5 star reviews on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca, and on Facebook.

Judy is professional member of the Canadian Authors Association and the Saskatchewan Writers Guild. Judy has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English from the University of Regina and a Bachelor of Journalism Degree from the University of Regina.

Her journalism career ranged from an internship at CBC Radio in Regina for the former Noon Edition show, where she was a regular contributor, to a staff member at the Regina Leader-Post Creative team, to freelance work for the Leader Post, the Saskatoon StarPhoenix, various smaller print publications, the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region and Human Resources Development Canada. Along with this freelance writing work, Judy has taught journalism students at the Indian Communication Arts program’s Summer Institute for Journalism at the First Nations University of Canada and has assisted with a Specialized Reporting class at the University of Regina School of Journalism.