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KMD Business Consulting offers a wide range of development services to fit a wide range of businesses. Whether you’re a small, local business or a bustling multinational, we can help you succeed. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services and how KMD Business Consulting can work for you. The vision of KMD Consulting is to help business bring their business conceptions to reality. The mission is to educate and train businesses to carry on the vision. KMD Consulting are business coaches. We help your business ideas come to life. We work with for profit and non profit organizations. KMD Consulting is a company offering Organizational Management Consulting to For Profit and Non Profit businesses. We help turn your business ideas to reality. KMD Services: Training for For-Profit and Non-Profit businesses, Market research analysis, Business Plans Fundraising, Grant Writing, Organizational Management, Consulting, Trademarking, 501c & 501c3 Maintenance. We are a member of the National Small Business Association (NSBA).