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At New Gen Marketing Group (a division of Labroo Financial Group LLC) our mission is to provide customized marketing plans for small businesses that cut costs and bring in more revenues and profits. We do this by eliminating ineffective and expensive traditional marketing and advertising methods and use new generation marketing strategies and solutions. We methodically research and analyse your business and identify where your prospects and customers are and how they are trying to find products and services you provide.
In this day and age your customers are on the Internet, on social media such as the face book, twitter, linkedin, foursquare, YouTube and on their mobile phones. We have therefore brought together a team of experts in these technologies and marketing strategies. We source in the latest technologies and ideas, build our own, and test and optimize solutions that are affordable to small business owners. We provide solutions that big businesses use but at fraction of the cost.
These services are brought to you through Small Biz Web Marketing Solutions which is an online marketing services division of Labroo Financial Group, LLC of Mill Creek WA. We provide a wide range of Internet Marketing solutions to small businesses. The focus is on solutions that are affordable, cut marketing costs and bring in new revenues fast. We are at the cutting edge of new media technologies, particularly the mobile web, SMS (text message), social and video. Combining these with traditional web and SEO (search engine optimization) technologies provides market dominating solutions. The focus is on providing excellent rate on investment (ROI) for our clients.
Please feel free to contact us through the contact form or directly by phone or e-mail Thank you for visiting our site and looking forward to hear from you.
Virender Labroo New Gen Marketing Group 914 164th Street SE, #455 Mill Creek, WA 98012 Phone: 425 354 3305
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7 Critical Mistakes Business Owners Make When Marketing on the Internet
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