
Water from Air

Planet's Water strives to find the best possible solutions to the planets ever increasing water shortage problems that are becoming an everyday occurrence on news broadcasts around the world as demand for our most valuable commodity increases beyond manageability.

PlanetsWater Corp. endorses and distributes Atmospheric Water Generators that require no plumbing, water lines or pipes, just electricity. The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that the Earth has about 3,100 cubic miles of water in the air, mostly as water vapor, but also as clouds or precipitation, at any one time. Through our AWG home/office atmospheric water generator and larger industrial appliances you can now tap into this resource to produce your own natural fresh pure water.

Planet's Water unique technology extracts water from the air by dehumidification, which then passes through a multi stage reverse osmosis filtration system that produces deliciously fresh clean water - the cleanest possible water available on the planet.

Planet's Water creates drinking water from the moisture in the air we breathe every day, with no ground pollution, totally independent of any sort of centralized water supply system like bottling plants or municipalities. You can now be in total control of the quality of your drinking water and the security of your family's' health. We make devices for home/office use that will manufacture 10 - 100 ltrs per day of drinking water out of outdoor air in winter and summer to larger industrial size machines that will produce up to 5,000 ltrs per day depending on the humidity of the region. Quite simply, the higher the humidity of the air the greater volume of water produced. The appliances have been tried and tested in every part of the globe and proven to generate fresher water effectively in both quantity and cost when compared to any other water source.

A thoroughly refreshing business…..more ‘About Us.’ is no ordinary website and no ordinary product despite its ordinary appearance!

One day we are certain that this product will indeed be as ordinary as any other everyday domestic appliance and be commonplace in every household around the globe. So therefore when that day comes maybe we will become ordinary also, but for now we shall remain at least for the time being extraordinary and continue with our quest to battle against the ever increasing worldwide water crises, without the need for 'drilling of wells' that deplete 'aquifers' the underground water source that our future generations will heavily rely upon. We offer an unsurpassed '5-year warranty' on all our products range both domestic and commercial appliances, whereas our competitors offer just 'one year'. Please 'Help Us' create the much needed awareness of this revolutionary product and provide pure fresh drinking water worldwide NOW!!

If we are successful we will continue, if unsuccessful we will endeavor to try harder. It is our duty to the 'Human Race' therefore we feel that we must succeed!

We offer FREE 'non-exclusive' distributorships in order to achieve recognition in helping us to 'spread the word' globally about our exciting products that offer both a 'lifestyle alternative and a life-saving necessity'. We also have 'exclusive' distributorship licenses for given territories/regions/countries. The cost is dependent on the demographics of the area. The distributorship or franchise business strategy is a proven and powerful marketing concept that creates wealth world over with a variety of different products from beef burgers to motor cars....