About |
We offer book interior layout and cover design services for self-publishers. Our specialty is creating high-quality professional artwork for those who use print-on-demand book printers, such as Lightning Source.
With our own books, we take advantage of fairly recent advances in print-on-demand technology because we feel it's a less wasteful, more affordable way to publish books. We love explaining this self-publishing process to other aspiring authors and entrepreneurs who may not realize that these options exist.
Self-Publisher Education
In fact, we have literally "written the book" on how entrepreneurs can quickly and affordably self publish a book. Our award-winning book Publishize: How to Quickly and Affordably Self-Publish a Book That Promotes Your Expertise explains how you can publish a book without losing your shirt.
In Publishize, we explain how you can avoid a lot of the pitfalls inherent in the traditional publishing model, such as archaic returns policies, distribution, and inventory storage costs.
NOTE: We offer book publishing services such as consulting, layout, and design for self publishers. We are not a "self-publishing company" (aka subsidy press). We do not act as a middleman. It's your book and you keep 100% of ALL the money from your book sales.