About |
The World Writes A Book (www.theworldwritesabook.com) was started by a husband and wife team who love to read. Their vision is an experiment to permit everyone in the world to write the next great novel. This is accomplished through the submission of "snippets" (140 character fragments) to TWWAB. The snippets are reviewed, and the best entry is appended to the continuing story each day. The ongoing and updated story is posted daily at theworldwritesabook.com, thereby making sure that everyone knows the latest entry so they can prepare the next day's proposed snippet entry.
No one knows where the story will go, only where it has been. It is up to the world's authors (i.e., anyone) to take this project on a wonderful journey.
When the project is completed, and a finished work results, it may be marketed to the publishing community. Should any agreement be reached regarding publication, all of the participants will receive partial authorship credit, and the individual who submitted the most accepted entries may receive up to $25,000 as a Grand Prize (depending on the contract terms).
The World Writes A Book is not intended as a profit-generating enterprise, and revenue is not the primary focus (other than possible advertising revenue to defray costs). Instead, it is the product of two individuals with a passion for the arts and creativity, and who firmly believe that the human race, as a whole, can come together to compose a work of literature which could potentially surpass the writings of any one person.
Take a look at www.theworldwritesabook.com, and co-write a great story with 6.7 billion of your closest friends. There is no cost to participate, and no personal information is required. We hope you enjoy it!