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Clifton Blanchett founded Clifton Blanchett Outdoors (Team CBO) and Camp CBO to expose, train, and brand new, fledging and experienced urban anglers and hunters with an emphasis on youth and family. Clifton Blanchett was the first African American professional bass angler to compete on the prestigious Wal*Mart FLW Tour. He is a returned native son of Arkansas, academic scholar, track and field legend and a pioneer in the outdoors. Clifton Blanchett says, “I realized that the children today do not have the fishing and hunting opportunities that were available to us as we grew up.” Blanchett came back to pursue his professional bass angling, outdoor sports marketing, and speaking careers while giving back to the community that has given so much to him. He believes that, "to whom much is given, much is required" (Luke 12:48a).
In the last two decades, reports, surveys and studies show that urban America offers the most growth potential for the future of the outdoors. Latinos and African Americans are the fastest growing segments. The Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation believes it is important to try to increase Latinos and African Americans participation in these activities along with other underserved populations. However, their fishing and hunting activities have not kept pace with the population growth. The fishing and hunting industries must reach beyond their core demographic to attract the emerging markets among the multicultural younger sexes that is Team CBO’s charter.