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The Spirit Of Aransas Pass, a Texas nonprofit corporation, proudly announces the first annual Vets Fishing With Vets (VFWV) 2-day Veteran’s Celebration and fishing tournament featuring live music, dancing, great food, door prizes and a don’t-want-to-miss silent auction. This star-spangled event, honoring U.S. Veterans, will benefit the STVHCS Fisher House, providing a “home away from home” completely free of charge for families of veterans receiving care through the South Texas Veterans Health Care System in San Antonio.
The 16-suite STVHCS Fisher House in San Antonio provides lodging, completely free of charge, for patient’s families during their stay, playing a critical role in supporting our Veterans. There are 64 Fisher Houses nationwide and eight in San Antonio serving the South Texas area.
The Fisher House Foundation, a not-for-profit 501c3 organization, operates 64 Fisher Houses on 23 military installations and 24 VA Medical Centers nationwide. Since the Fisher House program began in 1990, it has offered more than five million days of lodging and saved more than 220,000 military and veterans’ families an estimated $235 million in out of pocket costs for lodging and transportation.