About |
Our central organizing thought is that living should be easy. This is why we offer Grocery Shopping & Delivery, Home Concierge, and On-line shopping services.
WeGoMart stands for the dignity of life. People are endowed with the right to pursue happiness. While this can mean many things to different people, it is obvious that during the course of everyday living, certain chores must be accomplished. Dignity of living requires these chores be managed efficiently and effectively for the benefit of the person.
Chores like acquiring food and suitable housing are at the top of any hierarchy of human needs. That a person rises above mere subsistence is the principle indication he has succeeded in performing, or causing to be performed, certain tasks which every person must perform in order to survive. Once these things are accomplished, a person is free to pursue whatever happiness suiting to his pleasure.
But pursuing happiness is hampered by the need to acquire food and shelter. It takes time and effort to acquire both, cutting into a more fruitful pursuit of happiness. WeGoMart proposes to bridge the gap between bare subsistence, and dignified living. People should have the ability to pass off daily chores to someone with the ability of accomplishing them effectively and affordably.
WeGoMart makes it easier for people to pursue happiness, by providing the means whereby people can acquire basic necessities, and freeing up more time for pursuing their dreams.
Our slogan is, "We Go For You!" This describes our central organizing thought in one, short, emphatic sentence. It explains our purpose in terms a client is happy to discuss. It appeals to the emotions, but is simply communicated and easy to understand.
WeGoMart is a division of Kemjak Drywall, CSLB #854998, a General Partnership organized in California. Keith A. Sharp is the contractor and general partner of the enterprise. After nearly 30 years of working in residential remodeling and repairs, he noticed a strong trend toward aging in the general population.
He surmised that as the population grew older, people would begin needing more services they could no longer perform for themselves, or - for those with more disposable income - they could hire outside help to accomplish the mundane chores of life.
WeGoMart came to life in 2009, beginning with offering grocery shopping & delivery services. Soon after, a home concierge service was added, providing errand running and chores for seniors.
The final piece of the puzzle is the offering of virtual shopping through the website, http://wegomart.com . Affiliate agreements were entered into with partners that matched the overall goals of WeGoMart. The search for compatible partners is a constant activity, and enhances the overall experience of making life easier to live.