
Ever forget passwords for websites or WiFi, account numbers, frequent flyer or loyalty card numbers? aMemoryJog remembers and retrieves this information in seconds from your computer, phone, tablet or web browser. It’s simple, convenient and secure. Seamlessly syncs all devices.

aMemoryJog can be downloaded for free in the Apple App Store. Basic features are free and premium features are available via an in-app-purchase for $9.99.

aMemoryJog Basic features:
• Remembers passwords and other private information (accounts, credit cards, frequent flyer, loyalty card, and more)
• Organizes information with easy-to-setup categories, custom fields and unlimited notes
• Automatically secures of all stored information with bank-level 256-bit AES encryption
• Single tap access to your websites – automatically fills in user names and passwords
• Search feature finds any item containing the phrase typed in
• Provides a strong unique password generator that uses a combination of words, numbers and special characters
• Shields passwords from prying eyes with password masking
• Configurable timeout setting for automatic logout after an inactivity delay

aMemoryJog Premium features:
• All of the features listed above in the basic edition but with no banner ads
• Self-destruct feature deletes all aMemoryJog data upon too many invalid password tries, but can be restored later from the cloud
• Remote self-destruct allows you to remotely delete all data from aMemoryJog if the device is stolen, but can later be restored
• Includes a free web based edition accessible from any computer or device with a web browser
• Allows you to import data from a spreadsheet
• Automatically provides cloud backups to prevent loss of data if you restore your mobile device
• Automatically syncs all your mobile devices
• Allows you to restore any deleted entry from a recycle bin
• Supports languages other than English – including Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese

Learn More: http://www.aMemoryJog.com