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Hip Greenwich Village E-Cig Shop Opens
Press release
New York, NY: Last week, Altsmoke L.L.C., a national electronic cigarette company specializing in smokeless products opened their doors in the heart of the West Village of Manhattan at 126 Macdougal Street. The company has several locations throughout Ohio and Kentucky and has recently expanded into the New York City market. Customers can sample over 130+ flavors ranging from ‘Hazelnut Cappucino’ to ‘Creme Brulee’ while satisfying their cravings without the dangerous tar, carcinogens and second hand smoke from traditional tobacco and cigarettes.
Antoinette Lanza, Partner at Altsmoke and who has been in the industry since 2008 said “This is not your grandfather’s cigar shop. Customers can hang out, check their e-mail with free Wi-Fi and watch some cool movies while trying out their new e-cig device”. The ‘Vapor Lounge’ has everything you need from starter kits to more advanced products for the vaping ‘hobbyist’ or enthusiast.
Electronic Cigarettes have been quite the buzz lately, especially in New York City, where Mayor Bloomberg on his last day in office signed a bill that lumps e-cigarettes into the Smoke Free Air Act, meaning the devices are banned everywhere smoking is banned. “People are now forced to go outside bars and restaurants with the rest of the smokers”, said Lanza. “That is why Altsmoke is so unique. It’s not just a place to hang out, rather a place where you could share your vaping experience with others”.