
AND/OR Press is based on the premise of combining the inclusive (and) with the exclusive (or) – meaning that we focus on including the author in the perks of publishing while excluding the traditional models of ownership and control of the monopolistic publishing houses.​

​As a boutique publisher, AND/OR Press upholds the quality services of traditional publishing houses to help create and finalize book projects. We also take advantage of the new publishing, distribution and marketing tools to provide the support to empower the independent author by enabling them to retain the rights to their work and profits.
Traditionally, publishing companies print and distribute their books through their distribution channels (primarily bookstores) at the standard royalty fee of about 90% of the revenues, leaving the author with only about 10% profit – mere pennies on the dollar. ​But because these services are now of a dwindling and dubious value, this is often not a fair compensation.

We at AND/OR Press can both advocate for authors and offer them a fair deal for our services.​ How do we do this? By using ebook and print-on-demand technology, broad online and digital distribution to enable our authors to cost-effectively reach a global market.

With self-publishig all the rage and getting easier, what does AND/OR Press offer? We have multiple experts available for editing and copy-editing, graphic design, ebook formatting, copyright and legal services, such as addressing copyright infringement – a very persistent presence in ebook publishing.

In the past, it's also been the marketing branch of traditional publishing houses that would disappoint many authors. Marketing is half the work of selling books so we have developed an innovative web marketing structure, which includes strategies from branding through social media to Internet advertising support to handling SEOs and metadata.​

Although we prefer to work through agents, if you are an author without representation, you will need to sign our submission release form, along with either your book proposal or, if the work is already completed, the first chapter or first ten pages.

What kind of material are we looking for? While traditional publishers are looking for books that either fit a formula or an easily-defined niche, it’s not that way with readers – consumers get tired of the same-old formula.  So we're open to both fiction and non-fiction – anything written with a fresh, compelling voice.