
Anewtale.com  is the premiere place to read new fiction for Free! Featuring mysteries, inspirational, poems, flash fiction, sci-fi, westerns and great new lyrics for your free reading pleasure. Comment on their blog about your favorite new fiction authors or works and praise their photographers. All fiction, poems and accompanying artworks are original. Showcasing exquisite plots, fast paced prose, mouth opening descriptions, quirky characterization and engrossing dialog, the stories at anewtale.com are always fresh and entertaining. Soul searching themes, believable dialect and surprising plot twists abound. Anewtale.com takes prides in discovering the new geniuses of tomorrows fiction and lyrical poetry. New writers, artists, cartoonists, photographers are invited to go to anewtale.com for submission guide lines. Family oriented, anewtale.com does not publish porn or crass language.