
Bridges Consulting Inc. is an international company offering state of the art training to entry-level, mid-level, and C-level, business and technical professionals.  The people who attend the BCI training generally have a bachelor’s or masters in engineering, business and other technical fields.  BCI specializes in high quality training for certification in project management and business analysis.  

Coaching & Consulting
BCI also provides specialized coaching and consulting in project management, business analysis, IT, software development, design and operations. With its unique experience in operations research and industrial engineering, BCI specializes in helping organizations solve unique complex business problems and helping organizations to align its projects to its strategic goals and objectives.

Automotive Industry - Computer Technology Industry

BCI provided project management and operations research for large automotive and computer technology projects. This experience is significant – customer gets increased value through reduction in costs or increase in performance and revenue.

Client Satisfaction
The customer also experiences a high rate of project success, improving its bottom line profit margin.