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Bukfaze.com is a digital library for EBooks that lets authors get the attention they deserve. The site was designed for both authors and book lovers who want exposure to a larger range of authors and not just the well established and well-funded authors.
This digital library for EBooks features works in all popular genres, including horror, romance, mystery/thriller, adventure, fantasy, self-help, business/money, reference, religion and autobiographies. Bukfaze.com showcases an author’s work regardless of sales, reviews or any kind of online ranking and best of all, the EBook covers are randomly arranged thus, the playing field is somehow leveled.
When visitors come to the website they will see images of featured book directly on the home page which is, beautifully arranged. A click on any of the book cover images will take the visitor to a separate page where they can read about the book’s topic and, should they choose, purchase the book directly to a website where it links to.