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"Becoming the Bride of Christ: A Personal Journey" follows Marilynn's journey as she learns to live with God as unseen Husband and Father in the home. It's about appropriating overly spiritualized Scriptural concepts to where life is lived every day.
BC Men's Resource Centre
Organization to promote the equality of men, women and children in society through education and the development of positive outcomes in times of family crisis. We promote personal responsiblilty and accountability. We offer programs on anger management.
Helping Children Through Divorce
Helping Children Through Divorce is a website with the intention to share my journey with you. To help your family heal and move forward through your own separation or divorce. To empower and coach people professionally in business and life.
The Most Important Contract
http://www.themostimportantcontract.com is a popular website that offers business owners practical information, tips and advice on how to protect their businesses from separation and divorce.
Century 21 Bachman & Associates
Multiple Award winning Realtor helping your realize the dream of home ownership.
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