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Ein Kölner Fotograf auf der Suche nach Glück und im Versuch eines alternativen Lebens, möglichst mit wenig Geld, in Freiheit und Frieden. Im E-Shop können Sie Fotos in diversen Kategorien erwerben, wie z.B. Reisefotografie, Natur- & Landschaftsfotos
Dana Pandici
About me (Dana Pandici, born Tirziu)
I was born 1967 in Timisoara / Romania, where I came to know and love photographing, drawing, painting and sculpture already in my early childhood.
Graduated from the National College of Art „Ion Vidu“
GandhiServe - 11 followers
GandhiServe helps promoting Gandhian values throughout the world. GandhiServe offers products and services relating to Mahatma Gandhi and India's independence movement. It mainly operates through its webportal GandhiMedia – www.gandhimedia.org.
MubbiMupp der Bilderschmuck
"MubbiMupp der Bilderschmuck, Bunter Schmuck ist MubbiMupp." We make quality, colorful and elegent gemstone jewelry at a good price. We are German Company based in Frankfurt am Main. MubbiMupp has a goal. Creat modern, timeless and elegent jewelry.
Calendar, Fine Art Prints, Photography
Photography, for him, is more than a profession - it is a passion. Jan Balster, from Dresden, Germany, is a freelance writer, travelling journalist and professional photographer. About his trips and works, he informs on his Homepage: www.auf-weltreise.de
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