
Remember all those times your paper towels blew over, something spilled on them, or they dropped on the dirty ground? Grab.a.Roll™ is the world's first portable paper towel tote. It is easy to use and always clean, wherever your messy life takes you: camping, bbq, picnics, patio, classroom, cars, boat, hunting, fishing, garage (mechanic towels fit), tailgating, or just about anywhere.
Grab.a.Roll was invented by Jane Lawrence, an exhausted grandmother of seven messy kids, after they had ruined rolls of paper towels by dropping them onto the wet ground. Her desperate search for a portable paper towel dispenser that didn't exist led to her inventing one. The help of a product development team enabled Jane to create a working prototype and a successful new product launch on the crowd-funding website Kickstarter.   http://kck.st/2fZYWK5
Grab.a.Roll™ is a new product for an old problem: Paper towels get dirty when you take them with you. They get dirty when you drop them or they blow over, or something spills on them. Once they get dirty, you throw a few away to get back to clean towels or you toss the entire roll. Grab.a.Roll™ saves the towels. It is to be manufactured locally in Huntsville,AL.
The simple two part sustainable dispenser is made from 30% recycled plastic and can be 100% recycled at it's end of life.  It is simple to use. Just snap off the lid, drop in a regular sized paper towel roll and pop the lid back on. To dispense the towels, pull them through the slot on the side as needed. Easy to use - always clean - Grab.a.Roll™