

John C. Drew, Ph.D. is known nationally and internationally as an author, an award-winning teacher, and as a speaker on implementing lightning fast grant writing and fundraising techniques.  Combining his market research skills with extraordinary fundraising expertise, Dr. Drew has helped turn around some of the Southern California’s most famous charities including the Museum of Latin American Art, the Friends of the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts, the Los Angeles Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Walking Shield American Indian Society.  Dr. Drew has taught at Cornell University, Hope International University, University of Oregon, and Williams College in Massachusetts.   He and his wife Patricia have lived in Laguna Niguel, California since 2003.

Products and Services

1. Grant-Writing. Drew & Associates provides its clients with award-winning writing talent, proven grant research skills, and the opportunity to work with a political scientist trained in survey research, program evaluation, and statistical analysis.  Dr. Drew uses voice-activated software to produce documents at high-speed.  His grant-writing consulting is characterized by his speed as a writer, his ability to explain the needs of the funding source, and the simple clarity of his writing style.  Dr. Drew has an 80% success rate as a grant-writer.  His skills are particularly useful for nonprofit organizations applying for local, state, or federal grant programs.  Drew & Associates also provides its clients with access to the nation’s top 10,000 largest corporate and foundation funders through its on-line connection with the Foundation Center in New York.

2. Fund-Raising.  Dr. Drew has a proven track-record of success in helping founders, board members, and executive directors initiate successful fundraising programs.  He has expertise in establishing new direct mail, telemarketing, special events, sponsorships, planned giving, major gift and capital campaigns.  Dr. Drew provides clients with the security of knowing that the steady implementation of the new fundraising system generates resources for the charity, positions the charity in the most advantageous light, and creates an accountable fundraising system which will enhance the charity’s credibility with its stakeholders.

3. Research and Program Evaluation.  Drew & Associates gives nonprofit organizations the guidance they need to benefit from the power of direct-mail, telephone, web-site, and face-to-face surveys.  John is available to conduct expert-level reviews of survey instruments, including question wording, question order, and overall survey appearance.  Dr. Drew also performs the statistical analysis – primarily linear regression analysis – needed to make sense of the data collected, and to construct consumer psycho-graphic profiles.  In 1989, Dr. Drew won the William Anderson Award from the American Political Science Association (APSA) for his pioneering work in the field of child welfare and child protective programs in the United States. Drew & Associates works with nonprofit organizations to develop credible program logic models, measurement techniques, and evaluations.