About |
We provide our clients in the recruitment industry cutting-edge technology solutions from online timesheets, to invoicing tools, and streamlining of back office processes.
Operating in over 20 countries, etz enables agencies to focus on their core competency: recruitment.
We believe that through technology, we can create a frictionless environment for the recruitment industry. etz services businesses of all sizes by offering a true SaaS solution, add-on tools and a managed service.
At the entry level, the etzPlatform enables the back office team to automate as many administrative functions as possible. At the higher level, we empower recruitment businesses to remove the burden of back office processes completely with a managed service. With over 400 clients globally, we are a trusted name in the recruitment software market and have always maintained direction by continually keeping ahead of change.
Through partnerships, we provide confidence by minimising financial risk and integrating globally recognised audit, tax and advisory expertise.