
About Fit Haven

Our Vision: “A healthier world, one woman at a time”

Our Mission: Fit Haven aims to reduce health disparity among women and girls in obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure through physical fitness, nutrition education, and stress management. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality fitness services, nutrition education, and healthy lifestyle options for women and girls to promote well-being and empower its participants with the knowledge and opportunity to lead an active healthy lifestyle for a better quality of life.

Our Values
• To educate women and their families on the benefits of health, fitness and healthy lifestyle choices.
• To inspire underprivileged women and their families to be fit, active and become positive, healthy role models in their home, school and community.
• To promote fitness activities, community unity and parental involvement.
• To empower women to take charge of their health by preventing and managing chronic diseases related to nutrition, active lifestyles, and healthy lifestyle choices.

Fit Haven is a 501 3c non-profit organization devoted to serving health and fitness needs of women and girls in the Greater New Haven area. We believe that all women, regardless of economic status, deserve access to high-quality fitness services and healthy lifestyle opportunities.

Fit Haven aims to operate thriving community health and wellness centers that provide the highest quality fitness services, nutrition education, and healthy lifestyle options while working directly with community-based resources in order to expand the scope of care to clients, resulting in fitter, healthier, happier, and better-health educated communities.