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The Focus Foundation won two awards in Cambridge for five years work with the marginalized, from this came a wealth of experience and the obvious need for a Christian Recovery Center for the area. Having run weekly support groups for those who had addiction problems/mental health concerns/with many marginalized for other reasons it was clearly seen that many people were failed by the system. The Focus Foundation has an objective to 1.To establish Focus support groups nationally into churches, the founder Debz Lowry can offer upon invite to come and do a Focus presentation, addressing any questions you might have. 2.Long term goal - to set up a recovery center on a Christian and humane basis 3.To establish within the center a creative alternative church fellowship. (all details on web site) This is about mission and vision and it began through the founder's publication of her book Dark Seeds 3am in 2012. An autobiography of supernatural content with two amazing testimonies within it's pages.With each book sold £1 is donated by the founder to a community account with Barclays Bank. This will raise some of the funding for the recovery center. Upon invite Debz will also come as a speaker to share her testimony. The book has its own web page www.darkseeds3am.co.uk where there is a fourteen page sample for the reader. The Focus Foundation project and the book and completely linked together in mission and vision. The Focus Foundation is also looking for three trustees. Focus stands for fellowship of compassion uniting souls. It is the belief of Focus to show a Christian representation by offering compassion, love , stability, structure, detox, recovery at a pace that is individual, and hope to countless souls who are in need of restoration, wholeness, safety, salvation, a listening ear, and love. It is preventative in it's care to alleviate suffering and stop suicide. The founder who is a visionary knows the vision is a magnificent vision that requires faith, trust, hope and a belief in God who is able to provide, a God who can do the impossible when in our own frail humanity it may seem not possible. But faith is the conviction of things hoped for of things unseen. Focus was born out of the founder's breakdown in 1986. Five years of recovery outside the church as a Christian showed the founder the immense need for understanding and constructive help that is required by the church and the people within the church. It is the founder's aim to write a second book as a training book for churches to establish Focus support groups. Jesus came to save that which was lost. God does not want one soul to perish, and faith unless expressed through love counts for nothing. For up to date news go to the focus web site and click on NEWS. Although the project is no longer running it is active on it's second stage of the vision. That is to promote Focus by offering a presentation, by offering testimony and the opportunity to promote Dark Seeds 3am so that much needed funds can be raised. Unless we stop the revolving door of the system that keeps an individual down, the addict will remain an addict, the mentally ill will not know about God's healing grace, the taxpayer will continue to fork out billions of wasted money on re-offending, medical bills, and crime. It is time for Christians to unite in a common purpose and offer practical love just like the Samaritan did to the man who was lying in the road. There are 3 detox beds in Fulbourn hospital while a waiting list continues to grow. There are no facilities within a 100 mile radius. Some of the Christian rehabs are very controlling and strict and many who need help are unable to access this type of set up. The Focus Foundation is God's business as well as our responsibility. We have a responsibility as Christians to the poor and desperately hurting in our society, this is the heart of Jesus. The Focus Foundation is a non-profit organization and it's ideal vision is to have a purpose built building on it's own land, incorporating a cafe for the public and a Christian shop. Residents will be able to sell their produce through the shop and cafe such as art, jewellery, foods, e.t.c with a profit margin coming back into Focus and the money helping provide a place to live for the homeless upon leaving as well as clothing. The Focus Foundation is a creative project that has already borne witness to many cases of homeless people who are talented and skillful but have not been given the chance to get better or to excel. We live in a drug culture of legal and illegal drugs but the only way the soul can heal is through God's love. The Focus Foundation has a long way to go before it achieves and reaches it's goal, but nothing is impossible for those who are willing to step out in faith. Go to the web site and see for yourself the vision and then pray and ask God to reveal to you something on your own heart in regards to what you can you do to support this.Invite me to speak.