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goKOZY launches new eCommerce website www.gokozy.com, creating the worlds’ first wearable Body Blankets. The Original KOZY, the KOZY Kilt, and the new KOZY Mommy & Me Bandeau each offer 360 degrees of cuddly, quality fleece and plenty of mobility.
goKOZY holds true to the value of doing things righteously for the benefit of all. All goKOZY products are hand-sewn in the USA primarily by retired, senior women (maybe your grandmother, too). Founder Laura states, “Most businesses have forgotten their responsibility to humanity and to each other. It’s time to try a new, better business model.”
Let’s start a KOZY revolution together, shall we; help us let the world know about this new, innovative eCommerce company. Visit www.gokozy.com. Together, we can finally bring true, warm comfort to the masses. goKOZY!