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The Grants-Gov Australia Story:
Do you need a start-up business grant? (or any grant?) So did we.
To cut a very loooong story short, lets get straight to the point.
We needed start-up business funding to get our business off the ground so we researched and researched and then finally (after weeks of research), discovered one [unsurprising] truth - The Government’s IT department was about as hard-working as a council road-worker on their lunch-break!
We were looking for government funding but all we ended up with was the government’s own ‘GrantsLink website for grants’ only to realise it contained only around 350 grants and of those.. well over HALF were so outdated, they were no longer available (and some of the government departments didn’t even exist anymore!)
A little more brainstorming about how to find the grants we needed..
and we eventually just came up with a completely different idea – Why don’t we just put that project on the backburner for a while and create the most up-to-date comprehensive guide in Australia to ALL available government grants and get that out to all the other Australian entrepreneurs just like us who needed it? Great idea!
It will save everybody hundreds of hours futile research and save them a fortune in lost time and productivity… and so with a lot of caffeine we started the research..
12 months later, 6 VERY exhausted people later and seriously in-debt to Australia’s coffee industry we had over 1100 grants with between 2-4 pages of comprehensive details on each grant.
Our team grew and so did we… and now our guide [which is over 3500+ pages in printed form] is updated from DOZENS of sources with a fresh 50-100 brand new grants every 3-4 weeks.There is NO better Government Funding Guide on the market in Australia - We can 100 % guarantee it!
Plus, with everybody else competing for the few current and available grants on GrantsLink with our guide you have direct access to ALL the grants from ALL the government departments that no-body else knows about and therefore nobody else is applying for.
For more information about Australian Government Funding Options, please feel free to browse www.grants-gov.com.au or contact 1800 733 437 directly.