About |
Craig C. White is a Bible prophecy teacher and author at High Time to Awake and hightimetoawake.com.
Prophecy is a big part of scripture. Today the world is becoming more aware of the Bible’s dire predictions. We are looking over the precipice to the end time. Israel is at the center of Bible prophecy. It will soon suffer the final seven year period of indignation spoken of by Daniel (Dan 9:24). Soon God’s judgments will be poured out on every nation (Rev 16:2-Rev 19).
There are a lot of prophecy teachers out there. There is also a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation. There are many popular views that folks have become comfortable with. It is my job to afflict the comfortable. I am not interested in chasing every current event but my approach is to understand what the Bible says. I offer verse by verse teaching with an understanding of our times.