About |
At Amasonyshopping.com, our mission is to bring you the best values and variety available on the World Wide Web from the most popular shopping sites. Our site has been designed for convenience and ease of navigation to make it easy to shop online.
We are committed to providing our customers with products and services from the most reliable and reputable online shopping sites at competitive prices We hope all visitors enjoy their visits and return to Amasonyshopping.com often!
Amasony.com is a fledgling internet shopping site which was set up in September 2011. It offers for sale a fusion of merchandise from Amazon, Sony and DVD Planet.
The site offers sections on Electronics and Photographic, Books, Music, Home and Garden and Toys and Games.
The Y Store offers Televisions, Computers, Cameras and MP3 players and Portable Electronics.
Thje Movies section of the site offers DVD movies, Blu Ray and Movie Accessories.
Amasonyshopping.com is a one-stop-shop for the very best values the Internet has to offer.
The site is subject to regular updating with new and exciting products from the Internet’s best online shopping sites.