About |
International Journal of advance research- IJOAR (SCI) Publication (www.ijoar.org) is one of the fastest growing and leading Research Journals publishing organization in the world. IJOAR is an open access peer-reviewed international forum for scientists and engineers involved in research to publish high quality and refereed papers. Papers reporting original research or extended versions of already published conference/journal papers are all welcome. Papers for publication are selected through peer review to ensure originality, relevance, and readability.
This is a platform for a person to show his caliber as a writer and an expert in a particular domain. There a number of people who are very much interested in writing on a particular field and want it to show to others but they don’t get the right platform for it. There are a number of website where you can find the required platform for all your needs and can publish your online research journals for the people to study and refer.
Publishing the writing is a dream of every person and every one wish his/her work to be published and praised from people all over the world. There are websites that can help people in doing so but you have to cautions and careful before publishing the international journal. If it consists of errors or any mistakes or if it lacks originality or grammar mistakes then it will not go down well with the persons who will refer it. Therefore, so make sure you check each and every aspect of it to make the journal perfect.
List of Journals
International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science & Engineering ( IJOARCS) - ISSN 2320-9194
International Journal of Advance Research in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (IJOARM) - ISSN 2320-9143
International Journal of Advance Research in Applied Physics (IJOARAP) - ISSN 2320-9097
International Journal of Advance Research in Applied Chemistry (IJOARAC) - ISSN 2320-9178
International Journal of Advance Research in Civil Engineering (IJOARCE) - ISSN 2320-9100
International Journal of Advance Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJOARME) - ISSN 2320-9135
International Journal of Advance Research in Business, Management and Accounting (IJOARBMA)-ISSN 2320-9127
International Journal of Advance Research in Electronics & Communication Engineering (IJOAREC)- ISSN 2320-9119
International Journal of Advance Research in Humanities and Social Science (IJOARHS) - ISSN 2320-9151
International Journal of Advance Research (IJOAR) -ISSN 2320-9186
International Journal of Advance Research in Biology & Pharmacy Research (IJOARBP)- ISSN 2320-916X
Today, there are a number of people who are interested in writing for others and on various aspects of our life. If you are one of them who can write on almost any given topic then you are most welcomed by many of the publication houses available in the online medium that helps people on getting information and internationals journal on many topics. There are a number of publishing companies that can help you in getting information and knowledge about various aspects and interested people can always use it for their needs. You should remember that all the journals you find are not similar otherwise you will see that any person can open a print or say an online form which will take registration fee and charge people for using the information and the open the access journal.
These are cheats can be a great setback for the authors of the journals therefore, it’s always important for you to check where your paper/articles are submitted. If you are thinking about the online research journals, then they have some of the attributes that are difficult to find in others. These are the things you don’t know about them and these are the compulsory aspects of the journals and they are:
1. Each one includes an ISSN number
2. A committed editorial board consisting of scholars from all over the world is allotted for the purpose of recognition and support to the journals.
3. A journal is passed through a very strict review process or a peer review process.
4. A regular contribution is provided from various authors from different countries
5. Indexing and abstracting of the online research journals is by some of the prestigious and highly reputed agencies.
6. The journal is circulated internationally.
7. And the best thing is that the publisher will operate at the global level or this is brought out by the global universities like Stanford, oxford or Cambridge.