
In-Mail.us is the world's first, revolutionary mail hybrid provider that allows the incarcerated (county, state, or federal inmates) to communicate with friends, family, loved ones, and anyone else in the world through email.
Family members, and friends, whose communication may be limited or cut off with the incarcerated, can have that communication restored through "In-Mail". We convert your emails to paper form and mail them to your inmate.

Your incarcerated loved one can then write to whomever they wish and we will scan their letters in their original handwriting to email for delivery to the addressees. Your incarcerated loved one can send as many letters to as many individuals as the facility allows each day (typically 10 pages per envelope). One envelope from your loved one can hold several letters to different individuals and when it is received by "In-Mail", it will be separated, processed, and emailed to each person.

"Inmates communicate with In-Mail.us through conventional US Mail; and friends and family communicate via email.
In-Mail.us bridges the gap."