1 - 21 businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!IPS_Innovative Prison Systems
A research and consulting firm specialized in Criminal Justice: penitentiary services, community sanctions and measures, juvenile justice, and law enforcement. We lead and are partners in several transnational projects across Europe. www.prisonsystems.eu
Inside Looking Out
Inside Looking Out is a memoir written as a novel, a Roman a Clef if you want to be pedantic, about survival in one of the most oppressive situations in one of the most notorious prison facilities in the UK.
we write prison letters
We compose letters to prisoners for $10.Greeting cards and money orders available as well. postage included.
AZ Common Ground
AZ Common Ground was founded by Frantz Beasley,Keith Krenklis,and Rodjay Benford
They came together to develop a plan to reach out to men and women upon their release to assist them in overcoming the barriers that hinders the individual to move forward
death row stories
Death Row Stories is a series of books based on letters exchanged with prisoners on Death Row in Raiford, Florida. They demonstrate both the humanity and the inhumanity of these men and the crimes they charged with.
A Tale of Two Lives
Sent to prison at age 19 on a minor drug offense— Susan Marie LeFevre received a 10-to-20-year sentence after she’d been promised probation—so she chose to escape the life she’d been dealt and begin a new one.
Getting Out By Going In
Getting Out By Going In(GOGI) is a California based non profit organization dedicated to the self-corrective education of the nation's 2.3 million incarcerated men, women and children.
National Prison Coach
National Prison Coach helps families prepare for incarceration. National Prison Coach consults with women, men, juveniles and their families who will soon be incarcerated within the prison system for the first time.
In Mail
World's First Mail Hybrid system. We give your incarcerated loved one a way to send and receive emails. We are here to provide an affordable way to communicate, using current technology, and to uphold relationships that otherwise could suffer.
Families and Friends Organizing for Reform of Juvenile Justice (FORJ-MO). Missouri's first parent lead organization working to change the laws that turn our chidren into adults, with horrific outcomes, once they enter the adult criminal justice system.
V.I.P Prison Shuttle Service - 1 followers
V.I.P Prison Shuttle Service is dedicated to Connecting Families by providing Charter Service to families and friends to visit their loved ones who are currently incarcerated within the Texas Department of Corrections.
The primary focus of this company is to create and promote innovative literature which goes well beyond the contemporary writing by exploring that which many deem as taboo.
Prison Consulting Group LLC
Prison Consulting Group is a national Federal Prison Consulting firm providing consulting services, sentence reduction techniques, help with furloughs, transfers, Administrative Remedy Appeals, restitution, RDAP assistance, designation, and much more.
White Collar Prison Guide
Providing quality prison survival guidance and consultation services to white collar offenders.
The Hard Times
The Hard Times is a unique educational and informational newspaper designed to fight America's crime problem resulting in 2+ million incarcerated individuals. It is a newspaper for prisoners giving them information on everything relevant to their lives.
Gomer Inc / Women With Opulence is a Nonprofit organization; Our
mission is to restore hope and build purpose and vision into the lives of
action committee for women in prison
Our mission is to advocate for the humane and compassionate treatment of all incarcerated women everywhere. We work for the release of all women who are unjustly imprisoned, and strive to reduce the over reliance on incarceration.
The Prison Post Office
We are a service that makes the process of communicating with incarcerated loved ones more effecient. We have a secure site that allows you the opportunity to send emails which will ultimately be converted into snail mail.
forget you not greetings
General inspirational greeting cards and niche market greeting cards for incarcerated people and their families.. Many subjects covered. All cards positive and uplifting.
Prisonworld Magazine
We are a multi-media company with a magazine. record label, blog and weekly internet radio show.
Jail Time Consulting - 1 followers
Michael Frantz is a leading Federal Prison Consultant with Jail Time Consulting (JTC) . The staffs of JTC provide sentence reduction strategies, research, and many pre- and post-sentencing services for their clients.
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