
I always thought I was just an ordinary guy. I worked in digital marketing, designing and implementing marketing strategies for my clients. Then one day I was arrested, bailed for 12 months, tried and found guilty before I was sent to one the UK’s most notorious prisons for six months.

My new book, Inside Looking Out, was written long-hand during my incarceration and tells my story of that time. This is a unique account of daily life behind bars today that exposes the truth about the terrible inadequacies and inefficiencies of the UK’s Prison Service.

There are all the details about how so many people who should never be in prison are there. There is the minimal if not zero impact on offender rehabilitation. There are all the so called improvements to the prison regime dreamt up by people who have no idea of the impact of these on people in the prisons; not least the Prison Officers who are supposed to implement change when they have no real understanding of what they are supposed to be doing. Cuts in education and facilities are described as improvements and ‘sold’ to the prisoners as a “shorter, fuller day”!

I suppose that one day, in true Star Wars fashion, there will both a prequel to this book about my downfall and time on bail to be followed, or even preceded, by the sequel and life with a prison record. I guess you'll just have to wait and see...