
Michael Frantz is a leading Federal and State Prison Consultant and Director with Jail Time Consulting (JTC). Jail Time Consulting has five (5) offices nationwide and has clients in every one of the 209 federal prisons nationwide and many clients in state  prisons throughout the United States. The staff of JTC provides sentence reduction programs, research, and many pre- and post-sentencing services for their clients. Michael has authored a bestselling book on federal prison titled, “Jail Time, What you need to know…Before you go to federal prison!” He has also authored over thirty-five JT Special Reports© on various federal prison issues affecting both the inmate and his/her family. They are available on the website. He writes a daily blog on the JTC website https://www.jailtimeconsulting.com/blog/ answering readers’ questions and comments. He is a nationally recognized authority on federal prison and has published over 40 articles nationwide. He has been contacted by ABC’s 20/20, the Oprah Winfrey network, the Fox News Network, as well as many radio and TV stations nationwide. He can be reached at 954-522-2254, 800-382-0868, or at mike@jailtimeconsulting.com.