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Christian Resources and books from the Ministry of Ken L. Birks. Discover Today the Tools for your Ministry such as Bible Study courses, Small Group Lesson Guides & more. Check out my Teaching Website for Sermon Outlines, Bible Studies, Podcasts, Audio Sermons and More at http://kenbirks.com .
The Perspectives course features lessons that are designed to give you a solid Biblical foundation in the elementary truths of God's Word. They are designed with three things in mind - building a doctrinal foundation, developing godly character in your life and helping you discover and find the destiny and purpose God has for your life.
Ken also has lesson guides for small groups available. A small community group is Christ's church in purpose, nature, and power. Most tasks of the church should be fulfilled through this community life: prayer, discipleship, leadership training, worship, exercising of the gifts, edification and witness. The lessons below will help you in reaching the goal of experiencing Christ's indwelling presence, His edifying power and His ministering purpose in your community group.
Also check into my Wedding Officiant Services at http://sacramento-wedding-officiants.com .
As Wedding Officiants we are there to help and assist, I will help you plan your special ceremony with care and consideration. I have been assisting couples in the Sacramento County, Roseville regions of Northern California for over 25 years to personalize their wedding ceremony to make it special and unique. I accommodate both casual and formal ceremonies based on your ideas for your special day and will work with you to make your wedding a very memorable occasion. This is your wedding and I will work with you to make sure it's all that you want it to be. Let me have the privilege of serving as your qualified wedding officiant and working with you to help you as you create the perfect wedding ceremony that will express your lives together. I look forward to meeting with you.
Ken's new book, "The Adventures of Space and Hobo" is also available at a number of online outlets such as iBooks, Barnes and Noble and others. For more information see the following website: http://spaceandhobo.com .
"The Adventures of Space and Hobo" tells the story of Ken's vagabond life after Vietnam. It explores the on-the-ground confusion and chaos of the Vietnam War and its effects on a generation, and those who served. Named Space by a new friend, Hobo, Ken and his traveling companion hit the road to partake of all the possibilities of that generation in search of adventure and uncharted experiences. They were looking for what was real, authentic, and the invisible mysteries behind it all. The story takes us step by step along the path of an awakening of a lost soul, on his way to finding understanding of himself, his path, and the meaning of his life.