
Lead My Heart (LMH) is a premier executive coaching and consulting firm founded by Dr. Wanita Mercer. We are dedicated to empowering leaders and their teams to live and lead with purpose, passion, and power. Our mission transcends traditional leadership development, focusing on integrating faith into leadership practices and promoting holistic wellness. At LMH, we transform organizations from graveyards of unfulfilled potential into gardens of growth and vitality.

Our Philosophy: Leadership as a Divine Calling
At the heart of LMH is the belief that leadership is more than a role; it is a divine calling. True leadership involves gathering and inspiring individuals to pursue a higher purpose. We see leaders as shepherds who guide their teams towards not only organizational success but also personal and collective fulfillment. This approach is rooted in our conviction that every leader is responsible for nurturing the spiritual and emotional well-being of their team members.

Our guiding principles are encapsulated in the acronym LEAD: Love, Educate, Affirm, and Deliver. This framework encourages leaders to foster a nurturing environment where their team members feel valued and empowered to contribute their best. By focusing on these core values, we help leaders create a culture of trust, engagement, and excellence.

Our Services
1. Corporate Executive Coaching (ExCo) Programs:
Our ExCo programs are meticulously designed to cater to the unique needs of each executive and their teams. We provide a holistic approach to leadership development, emphasizing three key areas: discipline, development, and discipleship. Our coaching sessions guide leaders in aligning their vision with their actions, balancing their professional and personal lives, and maintaining calm and focus amidst challenges.

2. Motivational Speaking and Talks:
Dr. Wanita Mercer, our founder, and CEO, is a sought-after speaker renowned for her insights on spiritual leadership. Her talks are not just motivational but transformational. She delves into the essence of leading with love and purpose, offering profound wisdom that inspires audiences worldwide. Whether through keynote addresses or seminars, our speaking engagements are crafted to empower leaders to elevate their leadership and maximize their impact.

3. Executive Luncheons:
Our executive luncheons are exclusive gatherings that provide a platform for deep connections and meaningful discussions among leaders. These events allow executives to share experiences, gain insights from their peers, and explore innovative leadership approaches in an intimate and supportive environment.

The LMH Difference: Integrating Faith and Wellness
1. Spiritual Integration:
LMH stands out by incorporating spiritual principles into the leadership journey. We believe that true leadership excellence stems from aligning actions with spiritual values. Our approach helps leaders find deeper meaning in their roles, fostering a sense of purpose that transcends daily business challenges.

2. Holistic Wellness Approach:
We advocate for 12D wellness, a comprehensive model that includes physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, financial, occupational, cultural, creative, and aesthetic well-being. We guide leaders in nurturing all aspects of their lives, understanding that wellness in one area positively impacts all others. This holistic approach ensures that leaders are well-equipped to handle the complexities of their roles while maintaining personal balance and fulfillment.

3. Faith-Driven Leadership:
At LMH, we view leadership as a stewardship role. Leaders are seen as caretakers who serve their teams and communities with integrity and compassion. Our coaching is grounded in the belief that leaders should Pray, Obey, and Slay – seek divine guidance, adhere to their principles, and execute their vision with excellence and urgency.

4. Customized Coaching Programs:
We recognize that every leader and organization is unique. Therefore, we offer bespoke coaching programs tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of our clients. From one-on-one coaching to team workshops, our services are flexible and adaptable to ensure maximum impact and relevance.

Our Founder: Dr. Wanita Mercer
Dr. Wanita Mercer is a visionary leader with a profound commitment to spiritual and holistic leadership. Her extensive background as an international educator, speaker, author, counselor, and civic leader has shaped her approach to coaching. Throughout her career, Dr. Mercer has worked in various roles across the globe, enriching her understanding of diverse leadership dynamics and enhancing her ability to connect with individuals from all walks of life.