
Bridesmaids Gowns Lead to a Generous Sprinkle of Prom Fairy Dust

Remember the age-old adage, “nothing in life is free.”  Thanks to The Magic Wand Project, that does not hold true for area junior and high school students who want to attend their proms, but cannot afford the cost of formal attire. 


In February 2008, after once more noticing the two identically designed, different color bridesmaids gowns in her closet that would never be worn again, Diane Freeland, Owner of wedding and event planning firm, Events of Sophistication approached good friend Kim Moss, Owner of event planning firm, Black Bag Productions with the idea of collecting gowns/dresses and shoes for young high school women to wear to the junior and senior proms.  Kim loved the idea and expanded on it by suggesting that jewelry and purses as well as tuxedos and accessories for young men are also collected.  Within 48 hours, The Magic Wand Project (TMWP) was founded, complete with mailing address, email address and website. 

The two began working diligently in getting the word out to their own marketing and personal contacts list and contacting local high school principals to invite students to participate and retaining space to collect the items.  Over the past 7 years, the Embassy Suites Convention Center Hotel, Sheraton Washington North, Morton's The Steakhouse, Wilde Lake High School and other locations have graciously donated meeting rooms for the gowns to be collected in and sent the word out to their colleagues, clients and friends as well.  To date TMWP has given away over 150 gowns to students and show no signs of slowing down for 2015.

On Saturday, April 5, 2008 The Magic Wand Project hosted its first official donation drive at the Embassy Suites Convention Center Hotel in Washington, DC and it was a rousing success, with Diane and Kim still receiving calls several days after the drive.  Both Kim and Diane noted that "we have been pleasantly surprised by the continued outpouring of generosity from employees of the Embassy Suites hotels, friends and family who have passed along the introductory email message as well as donating beautiful quality evening apparel."

Donations immediately started coming in, not only from local donors, but from as far away as New York, Texas and Georgia, demonstrating the widespread interest in this worthy cause.  Previous collection drives and parties to give dresses away have been wildly successful with big plans for 2015.