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American art dominated throughout the 20th century and this website aims to make more people aware of this, as well as helping them to discover other significant contributors during this period, beyond the best known artists like Mark Rothko.
Rothko100.org studies artist Rothko and draws together important, referenced information from around the web on this key painter who helped to shape American art through periods where abstract movements came to the fore. The gallery provided offers opportunities to buy Mark Rothko prints from an approved retailer and also serves as an excellent way of quickly browsing through the artist's most famous paintings.
The company offer information on major paintings and gives in-depth discussion of the colour choices behind them. Rothko himself tended to use reds, greens and blues alongside white for negative space. Many are unaware of the artist's other work earlier in his career and this is also included within the website in order to make it as comprehensive as possible.
The upcoming blog on www.Rothko100.org will take the site to a new level with up to the minute news around the artist being added on a near-daily basis. Latest exhibitions, new findings about his life and so on will be added as they appear around the web.